We blog because we love books. Period. We love reading books, and sharing ourI t opinions of them with others in hopes of encouraging them to read those books. You will never see a bad review on this blog. You'll only see 3 stars and up because the 2 stars and under are books that we couldn't finish.We won't post a review of a book that we weren't able to finish. We don't think that would be fair to the book, the author, and others who were able to finish the book. You can't fully review a book if you haven't finished it. Just because we don't finish a book doesn't mean it's a bad book. We don't believe there is a bad book. Just because someone doesn't enjoy a book, doesn't mean someone else won't like it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
What book formats are we currently accepting?
Megan and I both accept both Physical and eBooks. As long as they are in our genre range and we are interested. They can be finished copies or ARC format.
Megan has a Nook, so it must be in ePub format.
Amanda has a Kindle Fire, so it must be in Kindle Book format.
Megan has a Nook, so it must be in ePub format.
Amanda has a Kindle Fire, so it must be in Kindle Book format.
If you are an author/publisher who has a galley on Netgalley.com you'd like for me to review, please send me an email with the title, author, publisher, and release date.
What are the types/genres of books accepted?
Young Adult books are our blogs main focus, but we do occasionally read Adult books.
Young Adult genres:
- Paranormal
- Fantasy
- Contemporary fiction
- Romance
- Urban Fantasy
- Chick-lit
- Historical Romance
- Mysteries/Thrillers
Adult genres:
- Contemporary Fiction
- Romance
- Urban Fantasy
- Paranormal Romance
Genres we do NOT usually accept:
- Non-fiction: Auto-biographies, biographies, memoirs, etc.
- Religious toned books
Do you accept series books to read?
The only time we will accept series books to read is if one of us have already read the previous books in the series, or if you are willing to provide the previous books in the series to read and review. We will NOT read a book out of sequence. We need to read the previous books to give a more effective review.
We are currently NOT accepting self-published or un-published books to review.
You can see a master list of books reviewed on the blog here.
When we accept a book to review:
We cannot guarantee the book will be read or that a review will be posted on the blog for it. We do review every book we finish, but we cannot guarantee that we will like the book. If we can't finish a book, we won't review it. But we'll try and send you an e-mail telling you that we couldn't finish the book, and the reason why.
When I receive the book to review in the mail:
It will be featured in our In My Mailbox post. We will see when the book is supposed to be released (If the book isn't already released.)and we'll try our best to read it before it's release date and post a review a week or two before.
If the book is already released, we will get to it depending on my reading pile and our interests in it.
If I receive a book that I wasn't expecting in the mail and have no interests in reading, I will pass it on to another blogger or give it away to my local used bookstore, Chamblin Bookmine.
How long will it take for a review:
We try to read the review titles that we receive in a timely manner. If the book is an ARC, we will try to review the book in the month surrounding its release date, in most cases before the book is released or shortly after. We will try our best to have our reviews up a week or two before the release date of the book, but we cannot currently promise a review by date.
If the book is already released, we will get to it depending on our reading pile and interests.
If you'd like us to e-mail you a copy of our review and a link to our review, please let us know and please send us an e-mail or a business card with your name and e-mail address on it.
Interviews/Guest Posts/Blog Tours/Giveaways
If you would like for us to host an author interview, a guest post, or a stop on a blog tour we would be more than happy to do so, but we do please ask for you to send us a review copy in the mail to review, and give us enough time to read the book, or to come up with questions for an interview and to set up our posts.
If you would like us to host a giveaway, please send us an e-mail with the details to your giveaway. i.e. Information on the book/swag, ending date to giveaway, etc.
We prefer to be familiar with the author or the book/swag you are giving away.
Also, starting on October 31st, 2011, I will be starting a new rating system. I will be keeping my 3 to 5 ratings, but will be adding badges to my reviews. To learn more about that, see my post here.
Where else will I post my review?
Other than posting our review on our blog. We will always post our reviews on our other profiles.
Traffic details:
As of May 5th, 2013 Vintage Bookworms has (after being down from November 2012 to May 2013:
- 250 Google Friend Connect Followers
- 14, 212 total visitors, 231 visitors for April (From Sitemeter.)
- 29, 387 total pageviews, 387 pageviews for April (From Sitemeter.)
- 22 Feedburner readers
- 113 different countries have visited. The top five being: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the Philippines.
Traffic Prediction details for June(From Sitemeter): 509 pageviews, and 236 visits.
Vintage bookworms currently has 474 posts, and 145 total books archived.
To contact us:
Email us at: vintagebookworms[at]live[dot]com
To learn more about us or the blog, please go to my About page, here.