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Publisher: Speak/Penguin
Release Date: March 5, 2009
Paperback: 208 pages
Age Group: Young Adult
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Overall: 3/5
Quiet, unpopular, non-cheerleading Mia is blissfully happy. She is dating super hot football god Rob, and he actually likes her and asked her to prom! Enter Samantha - cheerleading goddess and miss popularity - who starts making a move for Rob. With prom in a few days, Mia needs to act fast. So she turns to her best friend, Candice, and decides to do a love spell on Rob. Unfortunately, she ends up inflicting a zombie virus onto her whole class, making herself their leader! At first she is flattered that everyone is treating her like a queen. But then zombie hunter hottie Chase explains they are actually fattening her up, because in a few days, Mia will be the first course in their new diet. She's sure she and Chase can figure something out, but she suggests that no one wear white to prom, because things could get very messy.
First Paragraph
Mia Everett was doomed. It was a fact she had known ever since Rob Ziggerman walked into biology class half an hour earlier. Instead of sitting next to her, as had been his habit for the last month, he'd made a beeline for Samantha Griffin. All of which meant the rumors were true.
My Thoughts
Zombie Queen of Newbury High was really good. It wasn't the best zombie book I've read, but it was really pretty fun to read.
It's a very quick read, I finished it in one day (Which is hard for me to do nowadays with my son!). The writing was pretty good, I will definitely be reading more from Ashby sometime soon, hopefully. I kind of wish there was a sequel to this book because I want to know more about Mia and Chase, but I know that probably won't happen. Boo!
I absolutely LOVED Chase, I was rooting for him throughout the whole book! And ah, Candice. You gotta love her hypochondriac craziness; she's hilarious! I'd so get along with her if she was my best friend. =) Didn't really like much of the other characters, which doesn't completely matter since they weren't the main ones or anything. If that makes sense.
Every time I thought. "Woohoo! They've figured it out!" something else happened and it threw that thought away. I saw a few parts coming, but not all of them. Which was good. Sometimes people think that if you throw some sort of paranormal element, or creature, into a novel it has to be all serious. Don't get me wrong, though, I love a lot of the serious ones, but it is refreshing to read one that is just plain fun and not so serious. I mean, they are put into a crisis, but they still kind of have fun with it.
Overall, it was a great read. I would recommend it to zombie fans, it's definitely another new take on zombies. But it wasn't a favorite. But I will remember it.
Cover Love
Pretty cover! LOOOVE the dress and the lacy gloves! Goes pretty well for the story. =)
I love Amanda Ashby. Her writing is so cute and fun! Glad you liked this one. =)
ReplyDeleteAmanda Ashby writes a very entertaining and quick read about a teenage protagonist who has to fix the catastrophic problem she created - or else she'll never be able to enjoy the ball with Prince Charming. Many readers will be able to relate to Mia and her quirky ways, and others will simply fall in love with her witty humor. And if that doesn't work, there are always hunks Rob and Chase.