Sep 3, 2011

Book Blogger Hop #8

A weekly meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books.
This meme is a way for book bloggers and readers to connect with other book lovers. Each weekend a new question is posted for book bloggers to answer on their blogs. The Book Blogger Hop lasts from Friday to Monday each week. Go to this weeks post to find out more information on this meme.

This weeks question is:
“What are you most looking forward to this fall/autumn season – A particular book release? Halloween? The leaves changing color? Cooler temperatures? A vacation? (If your next season is other than fall/autumn, tell us about it and what you are most looking forward to in your part of the world!)”

Hmm, I'm not really sure. Even though I'm going to miss Summer just a teensy bit (I don't like the heat very much. I really wish you could wake up each morning and tell Mother Nature what you would like the weather and temperature to be like. Does everyone agree? lol) I am looking forward to it getting cool. I think my favorite season is the time between Fall and Winter. I also really like Halloween. =) Ooh, which actually makes me think about Pretty Little Liars! It comes back on on my husband's birthday in October! VERY excited for that. Tuesday's episode left with an annoying cliff hanger! 

Book wise, I will tel you a few books I am very excited for. =) And those are:

* Fateful by Claudia Gray - September 1, 2011
* Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs - September 6, 2011
* After Obsession by Carrie Jones & Steven E. Wedel- September 13, 2011
* Lola & The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - September 29, 2011 *SQUEE!*
* The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - October 18, 2011
and many, many, many more! 
What are you looking forward to this Fall?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hear FL is very hot, humidity is awful! I agree that Mother Nature should let us pick our weather everyday! New Follower!

  2. Ah, yes. The Pretty Little Liars. I want them back on NOW!!! LOL! Anyway, just hopping through. Thanks for stopping by my little blog and for following. I was going to follow you back, but it seems I already follow you. LOL! Who would have known.

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  3. @Amie- Your welcome! And yes, God, the humidity! It's killing me. Makes it feel like an oven outside.

    @Kristin- I miss PLL already. I mean, I'm happy about TLG being there to kind of take the edge off, but still. Cliffhanger!

    And don't worry, I do that too. I have so many blogs I follow it's hard to keep up sometimes. And I also think I'm following someone, but never actually click the follow button.

  4. I also really enjoy Halloween, pumpkins and pumpkin carving!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think I've been following you for a little bit! Florida humidity is so blah. I feel your pain, doesn't matter where you are in the state. At least you get cooler weather a bit before I do. Can't wait to wear my sweaters!

  6. Agreed, going to miss summer :(

    But those are some pretty amazing books coming out to look forward to!

  7. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following.

    My dad watches Pretty Little Liars, which I find hilarious since he's a large man in his 50s. I've never actually watched it, but it always looks very dramatic.

  8. I just popped over from Crazy for Books, so i'm a new follower and admin over at What I'm looking forward to is wearing my hoodies and watching some SEC college football this fall! Roll Tide Roll!! Also, I happened to have read FATEFUL, it's AWESOME!! I have ARCs of the rest of those coming out, but i have yet to read them yet.Happy fall and Happy Blogging!

  9. @Laura Ashlee: PLL is really good! My mom watches it!

    @LoveYaLit: Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower! I will definitely be looking at your review of Fateful. I've been DYING to read it! You're lucky you got an ARC. I've been entering sooo many giveaways for it!


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