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Publisher: Houghtin Mifflin Harcourt
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Paperback: 204 pages
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Buy: Amazon
Read it in: 3 days
Source: Publisher
Challenge: Debut Author, YA Contemp, ABC Reading

A story of crushes, corsets, and conspiracyWhen I first read the summary for this book, I was like, "This sounds like a fun, quick contemporary!" and added it to my list. When I got it in the mail for review, I was happy, but not OMG YAY! happy. Once I started reading this, I got sucked in. It was so dang hilarious! The main character was so crazy. She was REALLY into fashion, and had her high standards, but she was also an aspiring historian and a nerd!
Libby Kelting had always felt herself born out of time. No wonder the historical romance-reading, Jane Austen-adaptation-watching, all-around history nerd jumped at the chance to intern at Camden Harbor, Maine’s Oldest Living History Museum. But at Camden Harbor Libby’s just plain out of place, no matter how cute she looks in a corset. Her cat-loving coworker wants her dead, the too-smart-for-his-own-good local reporter keeps pushing her buttons, her gorgeous sailor may be more shipwreck than dreamboat — plus Camden Harbor’s haunted. Over the course of one unforgettable summer, Libby learns that boys, like ghosts, aren’t always what they seem.
So many people underestimates her upon meeting her. They thing she's just your average dumb blonde, but she's not! She has a deeper layer that you realize once you start talking to her. Which made her seem that much more real!
At first, I was worried that she WAS that typical dumb blonde. But after a couple of pages I started to like her and knew there was a deeper layer. I'd really like to read more about her! And gosh, I never thought about working for a history museum for the summer when I was in school! That would of probably been quite fun! I love the old time dresses like she had to wear and would of loved to learn how to do some of the colonial cooking and things!
It was such a fun read, I wish it were bigger! At first I grabbed it from my TBR pile on my nightstand of books I want to get to ASAP and just wanted it for a quick contemporary read, but now I'm really sad it's over with. I really would have read 100 or even 200 more pages of it!
I really liked Garrett as well, right from the start! And I did like Cam as well, but was really suspicious of the way he acted. He was just...too weird. Too "perfect". That's always trouble! Okay, not always, but mostly.
Overall, if you're looking for a quick, fun, contemporary that has some historical points in it (i.e she went to a history museum for the summer to live in the "colonial times") you should definitely check this out! And this is Stephanie debut novel for this year! I will definitely be adding her to my author watch list!
I pinpointed right away that Cam was a Wickham and actually thought this book would turn out to be very heavy on the P&P angle. Happily it was so much more-this was a definitely winner for me too!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it! I have an interview with Stephanie that I will be posting soon! It will have information on her second book. ;)