Describe your reaction when Houghtin Mifflin Harcourt bought your manuscript.
I was stunned. It was
like a swirling cocktail of total elation, immense shock, and overwhelming
relief. I was so happy and so surprised;
I just couldn’t believe it! It felt like Christmas morning times a
billion, plus a little bit of hyperventilating.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Once you have a completed manuscript (or a rough
draft of a completed manuscript), don’t be afraid to show people! If you don’t know anyone in
publishing/writing/editing, that’s okay, I didn’t either – just show your
friends. Mine had really great insights
and helpful comments. And once you’re
happy with it, start sending out query letters.
I know so many good writers who don’t do anything with their manuscripts
because they feel like it will never be quite good enough, but at some point
you have to take a deep breath and take a chance on yourself. If you don’t send it out there’s no way it
will ever get published. Of course
getting rejected is never fun, but as my agent Amanda always reminded me, it
only takes one yes.
Would you say you “planned”
or “pansed” the rough draft to Pilgrims Don’t Wear Pink, or a mixture of both?
I wrote the whole thing in 12 days. It was a totally unplanned
stream-of-consciousness explosion of words fueled by a giant tub of strawberry
cheesecake ice cream. I seriously never
left the computer. It was a little
gross. Of course, this writing style
required lots of revision!
TVB: 12 days?! Wow!
Did you learn anything by
writing your book this way?
I think it really helped me
get in touch with Libby’s voice, and to find my voice as a writer. I just kind of let it flow. Now, however, that I know myself better as a
writer, I do a lot more planning! My
drafts are much less messy.
What books would you
recommend to fans of Pilgrims Don’t Wear Pink?
For even more history and a
lot less contemporary, I love the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer. And I think anyone who likes Pilgrims is going to love My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, by
Rachel Harris. It doesn’t come out until
next fall, but I have a feeling it’s gonna be the greatest thing since sliced
bread. Really fancy sliced bread. Like a sliced brioche.
Describe what your writing process is like.
I usually sit down and start
writing, with no plan, until I end up with first chapter or the prologue. It helps me get into the protagonist’s
mindset. I keep a separate document open
where I just scribble down random notes, like character’s names or pieces of
dialogue that pop into my head. Once
I’ve finished my stream-of-consciousness bit, I read it over, then start making
an outline. The outline is always
subject to change, but I need to have a plan, otherwise I would just write
one-liners and there would be no plot!
Which Pilgrims character
are you most like?
Libby and I have the most in common – short,
blonde, fashionistas, history-lovers, readers of Jane Austen and romance
novels, prolific pie bakers – but the character who usually says what I’m
thinking is Dev.
If you could write a book with any classic author,
who would it be and what would your story be about?
Since my favorite book is Wuthering Heights, I would love to write a book with Emily Bronte,
but I think it would be a disaster.
She’d be like “the wind whistled through the moors” and then I’d be like
“Emily! Hey Emily! Hareton should be all ‘how many doxies did
you burgle to come up with that fetching ensemble?’ Burrrrn!
Right, Emily? Emily??” Our book would obviously have a tall,
dark-haired hero and a ghost, but beyond that I think we might have some
How did you come up with
the “ghost” that haunts the Lettie Mae?
The summer I worked at a
living history museum, there was a rumor that one of the ships was
haunted. No one I knew ever saw the
ghost, and it wasn’t that big of a deal – until Halloween, of course, when the
museum publicist was always keen to get the word out to drive attendance! However, I had been a child obsessed with
Scooby Doo and Nancy Drew, so I always wondered “what if” about that
Is there anything you can
tell us about Pilgrims sequel, Confederates Don’t Wear Couture?
Libby and her BFF Dev head down south to sell nineteenth-century ball
gowns at Civil War Reenactments. Who
knows what kind of trouble Libby will get into set loose in a hoopskirt and
corset in Alabama!
TVB: Hopefully there will be lots of Garrett in this one as well!
About the book
Publisher: Houghtin Mifflin Harcourt
Release Date: May 8, 2012
A story of crushes, corsets, and conspiracy
Libby Kelting had always felt herself born out of time. No wonder the historical romance-reading, Jane Austen-adaptation-watching, all-around history nerd jumped at the chance to intern at Camden Harbor, Maine’s Oldest Living History Museum. But at Camden Harbor Libby’s just plain out of place, no matter how cute she looks in a corset. Her cat-loving coworker wants her dead, the too-smart-for-his-own-good local reporter keeps pushing her buttons, her gorgeous sailor may be more shipwreck than dreamboat — plus Camden Harbor’s haunted. Over the course of one unforgettable summer, Libby learns that boys, like ghosts, aren’t always what they seem.
Great Interview! Stephanie is so funny and I loved her responses to so many of the questions. I couldn’t help but giggle at her response about writing with Emily Bronte! Nice to get to know a little more about this author. Great Post!
ReplyDeleteDarlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely
I am so excited to hear about A. a sequel and B. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris although I am not pleased to hear that I'll have to wait. Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink was my favorite book read in April and I can't wait for more!