Publisher: Delecorte Press
Release Date: January 24, 2012
Hardcover: 201 pages
Genre: YA - Paranormal Romance
Read it in: 7 days
Source: Library
Challenges: None
Rating: ★★★

Unexpected. Unrequited. Forbidden. Eternal. Everyone has their own love story.If you're a fan of the Fallen series, I recommend reading this. While it wasn't AS addicting as the first three books, it was enjoyable. It's four short stories compiled into one book. Each short story is with a different point of view, but they all happen on the same day; Valentines Day.
And in a twist of fate, four extraordinary love stories combine over the course of a romantic Valentine's Day in Medieval England. Miles and Shelby find love where they least expect it. Roland learns a painful lesson about finding-and losing love. Arianne pays the price for a love so fierce it burns. And for the first -and last- time, Daniel and Luce will spend a night together like none other.
Lauren Kate's FALLEN IN LOVE is filled with love stories . . . the ones everyone has been waiting for.
True love never says goodbye. . .
The first story, in my opinion, was the cutest. It was Shelby's point-of-view and it was about Shelby and Miles. It was my favorite story of all four of them. It was the start of something and I can't wait to read Rapture to see if it continues! I was hoping Shelby and Miles would get together!
The second was Roland's point-of-view. It was weird reading through Roland's eyes, but also a great opportunity to learn more about him. This one completely broke my heart. I've always seen Roland as this strong, cool, mysterious sort of character. He's hilarious sometimes, really. But seeing him completely tormented by a choice he had to make for him and the woman he loved, just tore me apart. I feel for Roland so much. I think this one was the saddest one.
The third was of Arianne. I've always loved Arriane and to see this side of her made me understand why she tries to help Daniel and Luce so much. She had a forbidden love too, and it ended badly. You also get to see how she got her scars, and I'm glad we get to find that out because I've been curious about that since the first book.
The final story is, of course, Luce and Daniel. You can't have a Fallen novel, even if Novella, without Luce and Daniel. While their story wasn't very long, you do get to read about the only Valentines Day they've ever been together for. It's always fun to read about Luce and Daniel, but I really hope they get a break in Rapture. They've been through SO much and it just isn't fair!
Overall, this was an enjoyable extra to the series. It's quick paced and I could of read it pretty fast, but I've been in a bit of a rut so it took me a week. Can you believe that? Ha! If you're a fan, definitely read it. It's not the BEST, but it IS a compilation of short stories. Not an actual novel. Read it! :)
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The final book in this series is Rapture. It was released on June 12, 2012.
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