Nov 19, 2012

Under the Never Sky, by Veronica Rossi

Series: Under the Never Sky, #1
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: January 3, 2012
Hardcover: 374 pages
Genre: YA - Dystopian
Read it in: 6 days
Source: Library
Challenge: Debut Author, Dystopian
Rating: Shelf WorthyRecommendFavorite
Since she'd been on the outside, she'd survived an Aether storm, she'd had a knife held to her throat, and she'd seen men murdered. This was worse.
Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland - known as The Death Shop - are slim. If the cannibals don't get her, the violent, electrified energy storms will. She's been taught that the very air she breathes can kill her. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He's wild - a savage - and her only hope of staying alive.
A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile - everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria's help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption. Opposites in nearly every way, Aria and Perry must accept each other to survive. Their unlikely alliance forges a bond that will determine the fate of all who live under the never sky.
Oh. My. God. SO many AMAZING dystopians for 2012. Seriously. I can't get enough of them. I checked this out from the library and made my husband read it while I was reading another  book. He likes Dystopians as well and I'm always throwing books at him to read. He liked it, so I knew I would definitely like it. Not that I didn't already know that from the summary!

I finished this over a week ago, but I still get all happy and excited when I think about it. It was just SO amazing. I seriously had to read TWO contemporary books just to try and get out of its world. The world that Aria lives in is REALLY scary. But so amazingly real! Every time I picked up this book to read I was drawn into it and felt like I was right there experiencing everything.

I got frustrated, and sad, and scared, and embarassed EVERYTIME Aria did. Her emotions were so well and the writing was so descriptive that everything was real. It's also told in alternating perspectives between Aria and Perry. I really loved being able to get into Perry's head. It really helps to understand the things he does and not just what Aria thinks he's doing when she experiences it.

At first I really wanted to smack Perry for being so mean to Aria, but I quickly fell in love with him and he's one of my top favorite characters from the book. I loved nearly all the characters, except for Soren and his dad and of course the creeps they met along the way. Not going to go into too much detail because you just really need to read it yourself.

Overall, this is a wonderful dystopian. I don't really have any complaints at all about it. If you haven't read this yet, do so immediately. Definitely addicting and one of my top favorite dystopians now.
Author Info: Website | Twitter | Facebook
Buy: Amazon | The Book Depository
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The second book in this series is called Through the Ever Night. It will be released on January 8th, 2013. 
Also, as a side note, this is definitely one of the BEST book trailers I have ever seen. It seriously makes me want this book turned into a movie even more than I already do.


  1. So cool that your husband liked this too-got to think if I can throw this book at some guys I know and I will be sure to mention that!

  2. Glad you liked this one. It's one of my favorite YA dystopians and I CANNOT wait for the sequel!

  3. I nominated you for the Liebster blog award even though you have over 200 followers, I just love your blog :D


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