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Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Release Date: November 25, 2008
Hardcover: 336 pages
Age Group: Young Adult
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Source: Own
Challenge: none
Overall: 3/5
Most things are going right for Chan Shealy—straight As, a shot at the regional majorette championships in baton twirling, and the best friend a girl could wish for. And when she goes to find the perfect boyfriend online, those good things get even better. Or so she thinks. . . As Chan's home life collides with her dream life and reality challenges what she thought was safer than safe, Chan must make impossible choices to save the family she cherishes and the future she imagines for herself. A fast-paced, gripping story ripped from the headlines, Exposed is about what happens when your gut tells you something that you just refuse to hear.
First Paragraph: "It's all a total fantasy," Devin Macy says as we shove our way down the crowded school hallway, making the long trek to the gym after last bell.
First, I'm going to honestly say that I'm not completely sure what to say about this book. It took me a while to get into and I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to get fully into it, but by the page number I was going to stop at if I couldn't get into it passed me by which I was happy for.
This book made me uncomfortable. It made me want to keep reading, but at the same time made me want to put it away and say heck no to it.
Something that seriously bothered me about Chan, the main character, is that even though she's sixteen she makes it sound like she's a lot younger than she is most of the time. I guess that's from being sheltered by her parents for so long? And for good reason.
I can relate to her about some things with the guy trouble. Sometimes you want to be in a relationship, but not fully in one. I've had an online relationship before that got really serious, but it was nothing like Chan's. My online relationship wasn't a creep, didn't make me tell him things I didn't want to and didn't try and get me to do things I wasn't comfortable with like taking my clothes off and making videos to sell online.
That's a big no, no for being online! This book really teaches you that you have to be extremely careful of who you talk to and who you tell things to online. Just because you think you know someone online and think you can trust them, doesn't mean you always can. You have to take extra precautions in what you do, or it could seriously put you in danger.
I really loved this part of the book. What it teaches. I really struggled with what to rate this book. I really liked what it was about, but didn't like the book itself enough to give it four hearts. I do recommend this book, though. I recommend this book for everyone and thinks everyone should at least read it once.
Overall, it's an uncomfortable subject, but a good lesson learned. Worth the time spent trying to get into it.
Cover: I think this cover is perfect for this book. I think it fits pretty well.
This book made me uncomfortable. It made me want to keep reading, but at the same time made me want to put it away and say heck no to it.
Something that seriously bothered me about Chan, the main character, is that even though she's sixteen she makes it sound like she's a lot younger than she is most of the time. I guess that's from being sheltered by her parents for so long? And for good reason.
I can relate to her about some things with the guy trouble. Sometimes you want to be in a relationship, but not fully in one. I've had an online relationship before that got really serious, but it was nothing like Chan's. My online relationship wasn't a creep, didn't make me tell him things I didn't want to and didn't try and get me to do things I wasn't comfortable with like taking my clothes off and making videos to sell online.
That's a big no, no for being online! This book really teaches you that you have to be extremely careful of who you talk to and who you tell things to online. Just because you think you know someone online and think you can trust them, doesn't mean you always can. You have to take extra precautions in what you do, or it could seriously put you in danger.
I really loved this part of the book. What it teaches. I really struggled with what to rate this book. I really liked what it was about, but didn't like the book itself enough to give it four hearts. I do recommend this book, though. I recommend this book for everyone and thinks everyone should at least read it once.
Overall, it's an uncomfortable subject, but a good lesson learned. Worth the time spent trying to get into it.
Cover: I think this cover is perfect for this book. I think it fits pretty well.
Hmm. I'm kind of curious about this book. I'm sure it would make me uncomfortable, but I'm glad it's showing it as the real issue it is!