A weekly meme hosted by Eleni @ La Femme Readers.
I know it's Thursday and not Monday anymore, but Eleni posted her question today and I had to participate. :)
This weeks 'Books for Thought' question is:
Sometimes school, work or being a full time mom cuts into book time. How do you all balance reading into your busy lives?
Awesome question! I'm not entirely sure how to answer, though, because I have a bit of free time right now so I should be reading and doing stuff like that, but I always feel guilty because there is so much stuff I should be working on, even though it's a bit impossible for it to go through right now. Like looking for an apartment, and etc.
I'm not really sure how I will be balancing my reading and blogging into my life after my son is here (In the next couple of weeks! Squee!), but I'm going to do my best to try and keep to the schedule I have now, plus try and make it a little more organized.
Right now I have created a reading system, though somedays I don't completely stick with it. Depending on the amount of pages in the book is how I set up my reading system. The book I'm starting now has 310 pages. I try and at least read 100 pages a day. With this book it should only take me 3 days or less to read this book.
For my blogging and posting I try and make a list of stuff that I know I will be posting each day of the week and I try and work on them as earliest as I can and schedule them to post that day. I try and keep ahead.
Eleni's 'Books for Thought' post.
Also, if you have a question that you would like to see as the question for 'Books for Thought', share it here and she'll give you credit.
Also, if you have a question that you would like to see as the question for 'Books for Thought', share it here and she'll give you credit.
So, what are your bookish thoughts?
Yay for making time to read when things get hectic!