Mar 4, 2011

Follow Friday, #1

A weekly meme hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee.
This is a meme is a way to connect with other bloggers and to find new blogs to follow. Each Friday a new question is posted for book bloggers to answer on their blogs. Go here to find out more information on this meme. 

This weeks question is: 

What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine? 

Well, I don't get colds very often and I don't really take much cold medicine when I do get a cold, unless my cold gets very bad. I don't like to take medicine unless I have to and I don't like the taste of cold medicine, or like the way they make me drowsy. 

I don't think I've done anything really embarrassing while on cold medicine. I usually try and stay in bed as much as possible if I do take some cold medicine. Probably the only thing I have done is been kind of out of it and not really fully understand what someone was saying, or forget later what they said to me while I was drowsy over the medicine.

So what embarrassing thing, if any, have you done while taking cold medicine? 


  1. Hey there! I just started following you for FF and I hope you take the time to stop by mine and do the same.

    I am a new blogger, so I really appreciate all new followers! Thanks. (^_^)

  2. Hopping by! I usually don't take cold medicines because they make me so sleepy or like I've drank about 10 cups of coffee.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi, I found you through the blog hop! I'm now a follower :)

  4. I always love discovering new blogs! New follower:) Drop by if you get a chance, and have a wonderful weekend!

    My Bookish Ways FF

  5. I'm a new follower. I'm not going to tell any stories about being on cold meds :)


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