Mar 18, 2011

Follow Friday #3

A weekly meme hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee.
This is a meme is a way to connect with other bloggers and to find new blogs to follow. Each Friday a new question is posted for book bloggers to answer on their blogs. Go here to find out more information on this meme. 

This weeks question is: 

How did you come up with your blog name?

It's not a very creative story of how I came up with my blog name, I'm sorry to say. But I came up with my blog's name one night after creating my blog. I had already created a layout, with a damask pattern as the background, and all I needed was the perfect name. 

For me damask is considered a little vintage. I LOVE damask patterns. I also love a lot of other vintage things, I guess things from other time periods just really intrigue me. And then, of course, I'm a total bookworm. I love books. I'm OBSESSED with books. Seriously. And I'm always getting called a bookworm by my friends and family. 

So Vintage Bookworm popped into my head when I was searching for a vintage picture of a girl with a book, and I fell in love. I was sold on the name. 


  1. I like the name you chose. I think it's great for a blog and I like that you're my fellow bookworm friend. :D

  2. I think your blog is very pretty and I like your name too. I'm stopping by from the hop and a new follower. Happy Friday!


  3. Hopping by! I think your blog name is really great!!

    Happy Friday!
    My Hop!

  4. I think it's a great name. Actually, it was the name that made me click on your link from blog hop! :)

    BTW I'm a new follower, so I'll be back soon. Nice to "meet" you!

  5. Newest follower here via the Friday blog hop. I am a new contemporary romance writer and reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.


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