Publisher:The Morganville Vampires, book #2
Read my review for Glass Houses.
Next Book in Series: Midnight Alley
Publisher: NAL Jam
Release Date: April 3, 2007
Mass Market Paperback: 256 Pages
Age Group: Young Adult
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Source: Own
Challenge: none
Date Read: April 2010
Claire Danvers has her share of challenges--like being a genius in a school that favors beauty over brains, homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with the living dead. When a local fraternity throws the Dead Girls' Dance, hell really breaks loose. Original.
First Lines: It didn't happen, Claire told herself. It's just a bad dream, just another bad dream. You'll wake up and it'll be gone like fog....Like I said in my review for Glass House, as soon as I finished the first book I leaped across my room to grab the second installment, The Dead Girls’ Dance, and I immediately started to read it. As soon as my eyes hit the first sentence of the book I was sucked back into Morganville to see everything that was going on. Rachel Caine’s writing makes me feel as though I’m really in the book with the characters. Every feeling that Claire has, I experience.
The only thing I don’t like about it is that Claire jumps into a new person too quick. I mean, I’m glad she’s more confident now and more of a new person, because frankly at first she really bugged me. But still, it’s a bit too fast. I still love her nonetheless though. As I do all the main characters, especially Eve.
Nothing really changed about my loathing of Monica Morrell. Oh how I want to smack her! I also have a very high loathing for Shane’s father now and all of his little back-ups.
I really can’t figure out which installment I like better right now, Glass Houses or The Dead Girls’ Dance. I read through The Dead Girls’ Dance just as fast as I did withGlass Houses, which I’m very happy about.
But just as I did with The Dead Girls’ Dance, I ran to Midnight Alley after finishing. And boy does Rachel Caine know how to leave a cliff hanger. It isn’t really a cliff hanger, just a happy ending to a horrible day, that you just know will be destroyed again the next day. So that drives me as crazy as a cliff hanger does.
Sometimes while reading these books, I feel as though some of the characters are thrown in just to fill some space and make the story longer. But by the end of the book they have resolved themselves, so that’s good. But thinking about it really bothers me.
But on a good note, and a not so good note, a lot of secrets and choices have been revealed now in the second installment to the Morganville Vampires series, so that means a lot more stuff is heading our way in Morganville.
Overall, this was a great read, as was the first installment. I highly recommend this series; it’s now officially in my top favorite series and recommendations.
I recommend this series to all vampire lovers.
I recommend this series to all vampire lovers.
Cover: The cover is pretty, but not one of my favorites.
I wonder if I should reread the first one before I read this one, it's been a while. But sounds great!