Jun 6, 2011

More time...

Hello everyone, I thought I'd let you all know what is going on with me, since I still haven't been able to pick everything back up again.

As you may know, my son was born on March 24th. He is crazy spoiled and thinks he needs to be held 24/7.   We just moved into our apartment, which is another setback right now, as well, because we haven't gotten internet hooked up yet as it is expensive. So I'm currently stealing someone's WiFi signal, lol. It isn't that strong where I am, so it cuts in and out. Unfortunately.

So I am VERY sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I read quite a bit, mostly when I'm feeding him, so I've been reviewing those while I can, but other book-ish posts have failed to appear on the blog due to little time.

So please bare with me, I'll hopefully be back to posting nearly every day again.

Hope everyone is well and reading awesome books!

Happy reading!


  1. No need to apologize for your life away from the computer. That's the one that matters most! ;)

  2. Aw, don't apologize for living your life as a new mother! I'm sure you're doing fantastic and that baby boy is spoiled beyond belief! Good luck with your continued moving efforts, that can always be a pain! I can't wait to have you back online and back doing amazing reviews! Much love darling :)


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