Jul 12, 2011

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Mini Challenge: Tuesday

Okay, Tuesday's Read-a-Thon Mini Challenges are hosted by YA Bliss and The Bookish Type today. So lets get to it! Ha-ha. 

YA Bliss' mini challenge is: Pick your top three love triangles. 

  1. Damon vs. Stefan in the Vampire Diaries series by L.J Smith
  2. Adrian vs. Dimitri in the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
  3. Gale vs. Peeta in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
Those are in no special order at all, love all three! 

And, The Bookish Type's mini challenge is: Pick any book from your readathon pile and write a fake synopsis based solely on the cover. The synopsis does not have to be related to the actual book at all, just the pretty, pretty cover.

This is going to be hard, although I'm a writer, I suck at synopsis'. Royally. But here goes:

I am a beauty queen, and I am stuck on a deserted island. No more mall, no more civilization, no more attention from hot guys. Armed with my bikini, my hot beauty pageant body, and A LOT of lipstick, but no five-star restaurants and Fiji water. Will I figure out how to survive without breaking a nail? Or will it be too late when someone comes to rescue us? At least I'll still have my beauty queen sash.

Happy reading!


  1. new follower! [: found you through this read-a-thon. Hope you are enjoying your books. Happy Reading!

    Stop by if you get a chance, thanks!:

  2. I'm feeling the same love for the Dimitri/Adrian love triangle. Top of my list :)

  3. * giggle* that was fun!!

    It was not easy doing this challenge.

    Mine is Vampire Shift by Tim O'Rourke

    MIchelle A

  4. I didn't even think of Damon and Stefan! Great choice!

    New follower


  5. LOL! Have you read Beauty Queens? Because you came pretty close to hitting the nail on the head with that one =D

  6. Casey: No, I haven't read it yet. But I just started it about an hour ago and only read a few pages. I had to pick Beauty Queens because it was the only other book on my list. I had already read the synopsis when I wanted to read it. Lol. Tried to ignore most of what I knew about the synopsis and think on the cover.


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