Oct 23, 2011

To Do List #7

To-Do List is a weekly meme started here at the Vintage Bookworm where bloggers can put up a list of things they would like to get done on their blog that week, and also show things they got done on the previous weeks' list. If you would like to join, just create your to-do list post and add it to the linky so others can check it out. =)

Here is my to do list from last week: 

  1. Finish Where I Belong, by Gwendolyn Heasley
  2. Write review for Where I Belong, by Gwendolyn Heasley (Review here!)
  3. Start reading Demonglass, by Rachel Hawkins, finish
  4. Write review for Demonglass, by Rachel Hawkins, schedule (Review here!)
  5. Start reading Other Words for Love, by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal (Pretty good so far!)
  6. Work on creating new rating system 
  7. Try and finish re-organizing pages
  8. Try and catch up on blogs & comments, while cleaning out blog list
I got most of my stuff done! I worked a little on my new rating system, but haven't made a post about it or anything yet. I think I finished re-organizing my pages. (See Archives page, it is organized by Author, Series, and Rating now too! =D) But I didn't catch up on blogs yet, ugh! It never endsss, ha!

Here is the list for this week!

  1. Work on new rating system
  2. Finish Other Words for Love, by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
  3. Write review for Other Words for Love, by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal, schedule
  4. Start reading The Expressologist, by Kristina Springer
  5. Finish reading The Expressologist, by Kristina Springer, schedule
  6. Start reading Paranormalcy, by Kiersten White
  7. Finish editing and organizing tags on posts
  8. TRY and catch up on blogs & comments, while cleaning out blog lists (Seems neverending!)

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