Day three of the Top 10 of 2011 blog event that is hosted by Lisa @ A Life Bound By Books and Jessica @ Confessions of a Bookaholic, and co-hosted by Rachel @ Fiktshun and Jaime & Patricia @ Two Chicks on Books. Today's topic is:
Top Ten Book Boyfriends of 2011
1. Dimitri Belikov & Adrian Ivashkov
from The Vampire Academy series, by Richelle Mead
C'mon, you had to see this coming. I mean, who doesn't love these boys? I can never choose between them, which is why I put them together. Sometimes I love Dimitri more and sometimes I love Adrian more. They both have their perks. =) And they are both hella sexy.
2. Beck
from The Demon Trapper's series, by Jana Oliver
Oh my! The love I have for Denver Beck. All I can say is he's loyal, funny and YUM!
3. Ren & Shay
from the Nightshade series, by Andrea Cremer
Another set I can never choose between. Both mega sexy and sometimes I love Ren and other times it Team Shay. You understand, right?
4. Blackmoor
from The Season, by Sarah MacLean
LOVE him! He was so sweet and just *le sigh* so historically amazing. *fans self*
5. Philip James Walker
from Timeless, by Alexandra Monir
Another historically amazing guy! He was always so sweet and I just looove this book and his character. Can't really say anything else other than that.
6. Lend
from Paranormalcy, by Kiersten White
Hello! He is awesome and I love how he can just morph into nearly anything. It's so cool! He is an awesome character, definitely one of my top favorites from Paranormalcy. I need to read Supernaturally ASAP.
7. Conrad
from The Summer series, by Jenny Han
I love Conrad and Jeremiah, but he's the one I love most even if he does push you away a lot. He's that one true love type. I love him. <3
8. Will
from Angelfire, by Courtney Allison Moulton
Yummy! He reminds me of Hagi from the anime Blood + for some reason. Not sure why. But *le sigh* He is so hot and awesome! And kick-ass!
9. Etienne St. Clair
Love, love, love, LOVE him. He was one of the perfect guy characters. <3
10. Jay
from The Body Finder, by Kimberly Derting
If you've read this book, you know what I mean. He's the perfect best friend turned boyfriend character. Love him! He's so sweet and genuine and really cares for Violet. *le sigh*
I have so many book boyfriends, but these are the ones that were on the top of my head. They are in no particular order.
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