(Slated, #1)
Author Info: Website / Facebook / Twitter
Publisher: Orchard Books
Release Date: May 3, 2012
ARC: 446
Genre: Young Adult - Dystopian
Buy: Amazon
Read it in: 5 days
Source: Publisher
Challenge: Debut Author, Dystopian
Rating: ★★★★

Kyla’s memory has been erased,her personality wiped blank,her memories lost for ever.To be honest, when I first saw this book I thought the summary sounded intriguing and I wanted to read it, but the cover just didn't do anything for me. Then when I got it for review, I was happy, but was also groaning inside. I kept putting it off and putting it off for review because I was worried that the summary sounded better than it probably actually was. But I was wrong! I'm so happy I was wrong!
She’s been Slated.
The government claims she was a terrorist, and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?
The book was way better than the summary lets on. Don't let the weird cover fool you, though I do admit that now after reading it I get the cover. It does fit it, though I would still like a different cover. But I do love the eyes!
I'm not sure if this is going to be out in the US yet, but I did get it from the UK. It's a debut novel and a great one! This is a fresh dystopian that will have you at the edge of your seat. Some things were weird, but it was still intriguing and had me flying through the pages.
At first, I was a little worried by the main character Kyla. Due to her memory being erased, she was basically like a child. She had to learn everything all over again. She was also put into a family's home who wasn't hear "real" family. She was expected to call the woman "mum" and the man "father". It was just...normal in their situation, if that makes sense. In the home is also another slated girl named Amy. She was kind of annoying at times, but she was funny too at times.
My favorites were Kyle and Ben. Kyle is a lot different than the "normal" slateds. They are supposed to do what they say until they turn 21. They wear "levos" that tell their mood and if their mood levels get near the low 3's or to the 2's, they blackout. Slateds are those who have done something wrong and instead of locking them up in jail or killing them, they wipe their mind clean and give them another chance.
Kyla starts remembering things though. Snippets of things. She doesn't know if they are real memories or things that are just made up in her mind from things she sees.
Ben, who is also a Slated, is a bit different too. But only because Kyla draws that out of him.
The dad kind of creeped me out. He was weird. The mom was pretty nice though after a little while, you can tell she kind of has a rebel side. She doesn't fully agree on everything the government thinks.
Overall, this story was great. I don't want to get too into detail because I'll start rambling on and give away the whole story. I'm definitely looking forward to book two, this time with a full intention on reading it immediately. No worries! If you love Dystopians, you definitely don't want to miss this one!
The sequel, Fracture, will be released in May 2012.
I really want to read this one, it looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteI met Teri at an author event in London and she was really nice. Will have to try and get a copy.
Great review! really want to get stuck in now. :D
It's really good. =) I was intrigued by the summary, but the cover didn't do anything for me. So I was torn between reading it and not wanting to, ha! Glad I did. =)