Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release Date: February 21, 2012
Hardcover: 341 pages
Genre: YA - Dystopian
Read it in: 3 days
Source: Bought
Challenges: Dystopian, Sophomore
Rating: ★★★★★

Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, but danger is never far behind.So some of you may know that I read Wither pretty late. I didn't read it until May! I instantly fell in love though. I quickly ordered Fever after finishing, but sadly I didn't start it right away! Other books got in the way and I started it twice I think, but then had to read other books again and it drove me nuts!
Running away brings Rhine and Gabriel right into a trap, in the form of a twisted carnival whose ringmistress keeps watch over a menagerie of girls. Just as Rhine uncovers what plans await her, her fortune turns again. With Gabriel at her side, Rhine travels through an environment as grim as the one she left a year ago - surroundings that mirror her own feelings of fear and hopelessness.
The two are determined to get to Manhattan, to relative safety with Rhine’s twin brother, Rowan. But the road there is long and perilous - and in a world where young women only live to age twenty and young men die at twenty-five, time is precious. Worse still, they can’t seem to elude Rhine’s father-in-law, Vaughn, who is determined to bring Rhine back to the any means necessary.
In the sequel to Lauren DeStefano’s harrowing Wither, Rhine must decide if freedom is worth the price - now that she has more to lose than ever.
Fever picks up where Wither left off, with Rhine and Gabriel on the run, but as soon as they think they are safe they fall into another place they will need to escape. Not going to go into too much detail as I don't want to give anything away. But that frustrated me to no end! It was seriously a *headdesk* kind of moment.
I had very high hopes for this sequel. And I was right, never had any doubts about it. Lauren's writing is just one that you know won't let you down. And this world is so awful, but so interesting and real. It's really scary to think this could be the future one day! What will happen if something like this is what is going to become our future? Our children's future? It's just so scary to think about.
And the writing is just so beautiful as always. You fly through the pages so fast and the descriptions are perfect and so detailed and you picture everything. EVERYTHING. It's amazing. And the characters....gosh.
Rhine is so unbelievably strong and brave. She doesn't give up! She keeps going no matter what obstacle falls in front of her. She keeps fighting. I admire that SO much about her. She's such a great character and even though she's a fictional character in a dystopian novel, she's REAL.
And Gabriel, oh Gosh, Gabriel. I'm so happy he's in this book every moment. I loved him so much in Wither and couldn't get enough of him. You learn more about him in here and he goes through a lot too and you just get to see Rhine and Gabriel's relationship blossom and see them take care of each other and I was always going, "Awwwww" at them because they are seriously cute and I just wanted to hug them!
Overall, I loved this book. I'm dying to read Sever, ESPECIALLY after that last sentence of the book. I mean WHAT?! I was late reading Wither, so I didn't have to really wait for Fever, but Sever is 4 months and some days away. I'm DYING for Sever so bad. If you haven't read this series, you need to. Hopefully you aren't reading this if you haven't read Wither, but READ. NOW. I HIGHLY recommend it.
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The third book in this series is called Sever. It will be releasing on February 12th, 2013.
Read my other reviews for this series:
* Wither
That last sentence is killer, isn't it? I was feeling a little disconnected from the story but it brought me right back, ready for Sever!
ReplyDeleteYes! It definitely made my jaw drop. I hope Linden lets her go since he knows about his father.
DeleteI liked Wither but it was Fever that won me over completely. Though I do agree with your headdesk moment. It was like, really? Really? You have to...UGH. But aside from that I totally loved Fever and can't wait for Sever. <3