Jul 22, 2011

Follow Friday #4

A weekly meme hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee, and Alison @ Alison Can Read.
This is a meme is a way to connect with other bloggers and to find new blogs to follow. Each Friday a new question is posted for book bloggers to answer on their blogs. Go here to find out more information on this meme. 

This week's question is: 

Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?

Wow, okay, this is a VERY hard question! There are SO many authors I would spend an hour/have a meal talking about books/writing with! But I guess if I had to pick three for now, they would be:

1. J.K Rowling:(Harry Potter!) I mean, this has to speak for itself, right? If not, then you must live under a rock! I started reading Harry Potter late-ish. I mean, I still grew up with them, but I didn't pick up a Harry Potter book until after my grandmother got me the first movie on VHS when I was 9. There is where I fell in love with the books and the movies. (So, so sad it's over! =( But they will forever live in my heart.) I would love to take some time and have a meal with J.K Rowling while we talk about Harry, Ron and Hermione and about her writing and publishing journey. 

2. Richelle Mead: (Vampire Academy!) I loved Vampire Academy. It's my top favorite YA vampire series. I admire Richelle so much as a writer and would love to just sit and talk about her writing process with her and talk about Rose and Dimitri and everything. 

3. Maggie Stiefvater: (Wolves of Mercy Falls) Favorite YA wolf series! Not only do I love her series, but she is hilarious! Have you seen her Youtube videos?? I would love to just sit and talk about wolves and about writing. I know Maggie and I would get along great! 

What are three authors you would love to sit down and spend time with?


  1. I picked J.K. Rowling too. :D She's great, isn't she?

    Happy FF!
    [New Follower]

  2. JK Rowling and Richelle Mead are really popular picks this week! I can see why because their books are pretty awesome! Of course Harry Potter rocks, but so does Vampire Academy! Nice picks :) Here's my FF if you want to check it out!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  3. Great list! I've got Maggie Stiefvater and J.K. Rowling on my list this week. I'll actually be meeting Maggie Stiefvater at a signing next weekend. It will be my first one, so I'm especially excited. :)

    New Follower

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  4. JK is a common theme this week. Happy Friday.

  5. I love The Hunger Games countdown widget you have. I'm excited for it too. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to visit me when you get a chance.


  6. I recognize the authors on your list. Though I haven't read all of them. J.K. Rowling I love :)

  7. Great picks. I'm giving away an autographed copy of Maggie's newest book this week!

    BTW, I'm a new follower b/c I love YA!!!!


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