Sep 19, 2011

To Do List #3

To-Do List is a weekly meme started here at the Vintage Bookworm where bloggers can put up a list of things they would like to get done on their blog that week, and also show things they got done on the previous weeks' list. If you would like to join, just create your to-do list post and add it to the linky so others can check it out. =)

Sorry it's kind of late, guys. Lost track of time.

Here is my list from last week, things I completed will be striked through.  

  1. Write review for Wake by Lisa McMann, schedule
  2. Write review for My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent, schedule
  3. Finish reading Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
  4. Update Archive page  & Challenge page 
  5. Catch up on blogs & comment
  6. Try and redo my bookshelf tour
  7. Do 'Books for Thoughts', post
  8. Write 'Teaser Tuesday', post
  9. Write 'Waiting on Wednesday' , post
  10. Do 'Follow Friday' & 'Book Blogger Hop', post
  11. Finish organizing my wish list
  12. Send out e-mails needed
Wow... I only got four things done out of twelve. I was kind of meh this week. I've had a new novel idea pushing through my head for about a month and a half, so I finally acted out on it and I'm letting ideas flow through me. I'll try and be more organized this week! By the way, I created a new Tumblr for my writing blog. You can find it here if you are interested! 

I commented on a few blogs here and there, but I like going down my whole list and catching up. Also, I won't be able to redo my bookshelf tour until we figure out what is wrong with our camera. I'm going to have to call Kodak, unfortunately. I would do it with the webcam on my laptop, but that wouldn't work out too well. =/

I also got SOME of my e-mails sent out. I've been slacking SO much. *le sigh* Twitter is also to blame. Damn you Twitter for me so damn addicting!

But anyway, here is my to-do list for this week. Not much on it this time around. 

  1. Write review for Wake by Lisa McMann, schedule
  2. Write review for My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent, schedule
  3. Write review for Nightshade by Andrea Cremer, schedule
  4. Attempt to do some of my normal Memes. (Books for Thought, Teaser Tuesdays, Waiting on Wednesday, Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop)
  5. Attempt to finish organizing my wish list
  6. Attempt to catch up on blogs I follow
  7. HOPEFULLY finish Sending out my e-mailed that are needed
There we have it. 7. Also, I started reading Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. Yay! So excited. Received an ARC by surprise from BookDivas

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