Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Release Date: October 27, 2009
Hardcover: 184 Pages
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: Library
Challenge: A to Z, Support Your Local Library

What’s your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you’re lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps it’s a small decaf soy sugar-free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie. Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Like her best friend, Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Jane’s Espressology, he makes it an in-store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?First off, this is my first book by Springer. I've wanted to try one of her books for a while, but never got around to it until now. I came upon this book on Goodreads a while back and added it to my to-be-read list, and FINALLY got around to reading it due to my A through Z challenge. =)
When I first heard about it, I thought, "Hey, this sounds like a cute, fun book." and I was not disappointed. It was exactly that; short, fun and cute. I read it really fast, it's not that long and it is just an overall fast read. You're at page fifty before you know it, and then one hundred and fifty, and then you're done.
The plot in this book is cute and unique. I mean, hello, the main character becomes an Espressologist by accident at her coffee house job! An Espressologst is someone who matches people up based on their favorite coffee drink. Isn't that awesome? It would be awesome if that really worked! I'm eager to find out of it does and start trying to set people up. Ha!
The characters in this book are fun too. Even the annoying characters were fun, if that is possible. The ones who are the mean characters, you get the ones I'm talking about? I really liked Jane, the main character, right off the back. She was fresh. She isn't one of those characters who feel sorry for themselves most of the time and live within their best friend's shadow. Speaking of best friend, Em--Jane's best friend--she was cool. I'd love to have a best friend like her. You'll see what I mean after you've read it.
And Derek! He was pretty cool. He seems like an annoying boss, but at the same time it would be pretty entertaining with his weird moods. Also, Cam, he was awesome! I knew he'd be a good guy from the start!
Overall, if you want something fun and short to read that is super cute, pick this one up! I liked it a lot and I can't wait to pick up another one of Springer's books.
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