Nov 30, 2011

End of 2011 Read-A-Thon

I've been debating on hosting a read-a-thon since the beginning of November. I wanted to host it near the end of the year, so everyone can add on a few more books to their "read" pile for 2011. This read-a-thon will start on Monday, December 19th at 12:01 a.m and end on Friday, December 23rd at 11:59 p.m. 

What is a read-a-thon? 
A read-a-thon is where you try to read as much as possible--more than you normally do--in a certain time period. 

What do you do?
You set a goal of how many books you'd like to complete in the time period--completely your choice--and you get ready, get set, and READ! 

Try and throw in some of those review books or challenge books you've been meaning to read, but don't forget to throw in a few "just 'cause" books. You all know what I'm talking about! (; 

How do I sign up?
Sign up with the Linky below, so everyone can see how you are progressing through the read-a-thon. Once the read-a-thon starts, try and update once a day to let everyone know how you're doing. If you don't have a blog, add me on Twitter or Facebook so I can see how you're doing! Don't forget to add the button to your sidebar!

To get the button, just right click on the button and click on 'Copy Image URL' 

Each day I will post a challenge question, but I'll be posting the schedule on the kick-off post so you'll know ahead of time and you can schedule it ahead of time if you want. I have a few questions down, but if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. =) 

This is my first time hosting a read-a-thon, so please bare with me. If anyone has any suggestions at all or something they'd like to see during the week of the read-a-thon, please let me know. 

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