(Pretty Little Liars, #3)
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: May 27, 2008
Paperback: 298 pages
Age Group: Young Adult
Buy: Amazon
Source: Library
Challenge: Support Your Local Library

In a town where gossip thrives like the ivy that clings to its mansions, where mysteries lie behind manicured hedges and skeletons hide in every walk-in closet, four perfect-looking girls aren't nearly as perfect as they seem.Three years ago, Spencer, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and their best friend Alison were the girls at Rosewood Day School. They clicked through the halls in their Miu Miu flats, tanned in their matching Pucci bikinis, and laughed behind their freshly manicured fingernails. They were the girls everyone loved but secretly hated—especially Alison.So when Alison mysteriously vanished one night, Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna's grief was tinged with . . . relief. And when Alison's body was later discovered in her own backyard, the girls were forced to unearth some ugly memories of their old friend, too. Could there be more to Alison's death than anyone realizes?Now someone named A, someone who seems to know everything, is pointing the finger at one of them for Ali's murder. As their secrets get darker and their scandals turn deadly, A is poised to ruin their perfect little lives forever.
Wow, I'm not really sure what to say about this book. It's just so weird compared to the TV show. But in a good way, I think. It's starting to get where a lot of things are different in the books than in the TV show (Which always happens, but I can tell why.), but it's still addicting.
I think I may have liked this one a bit more than the last two. They are getting better. I think I kind of wished now that I had read the books before watching the TV show, because of the fact that I keep getting confused when they describe a certain character and stop for a minute most of the time and go, "What?" because some of the descriptions are different in the TV show. And I keep picturing the actresses that play Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Alison. Ha!
I think this is kind of funny. If you ask me who my favorite character is in the TV show, I would have to say Aria or Spencer. Though I like all the characters, but those are my top two favorites of them. But if you asked me the same question, but with the books, I honestly don't know. The characters are a bit more crazy in the books. If that makes sense.
But anyway, I'm going to stop comparing the TV show and books. They are both great. The writing draws you in and keeps you reading. You can picture everything. At least I can. Normally I would have finished one of these books in a sitting or two in one day, but now I don't have much reading time. But I still can finish pretty quickly because of the writing style. It just flows.
Overall, this was just as exciting and suspenseful as the last two. Even though I had originally planned to read another library book from my challenge list after finishing this book, I couldn't wait to start the fourth book and dove right in. So get ready for that review next!
The fourth book in this series is called Unbelievable. It was released on December 1, 2008.
Read my reviews of Pretty Little Liars (#1) & Flawless (#2)
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