May 21, 2012

Bout of Books 4.0 Read-a-Thon Wrap-Up

As you may know, I started late on this read-a-thon. I had seen it around, but I was worried about joining it because I've been in quite a reading slump. Only reading about a book a week. But after I seen how well some people were doing, I finally decided to join reaaally early Tuesday morning after midnight. And I am so glad I did! I'm very proud of myself. I didn't interact with other read-a-thonners as much as I had hoped, but I did meet a few new people.=)

Here are the posts I did for the read-a-thon: Update Post, Day 2 Challenge, Day 3 Challenge, Day 5 challenge

My Final Stats
Total Books Read: 3
Total # of pages read: 963
Total # of challenges done: 4 
Challenges I participated in: 
Day 3: Re-title a book cover hosted @ Books Devoured  (I re-titled Epic Fail, by Claire LeZebnik!)
Day 4: Zombie Cover hosted @ Book Goonie
Books read:
  • I finished up The Last Echo, by Kimberly Derting. I had already started it before the read-a-thon, but when I started I was on page 60 and I finished it on Tuesday. 
  • When It Happens, by Susane Colasanti. I finished this on Thursday.
  • Lola and the Boy Next Door, by Stephanie Perkins. I finished this on Saturday. 
Did not finish on time:

I will definitely be participating in this read-a-thon in the future. I am very proud of myself with my reading and it got me out of my slump. I can't believe I read so much during those days and that I almost read 1,000 pages! 

If anyone knows of any other read-a-thons coming up soon, let me know! I'd love to participate in more. =) I hope everyone met their goals, met new friends and most of all; HAD FUN! 

Thank you so much to these lovely ladies who host the Bout of Books read-a-thon:


  1. I always love participating in read-a-thon's when I am in a slump. Yay for you :)

  2. Glad to hear the read-a-thon got you out of your slump! :)

  3. Glad you joined us and had a great Bout-of-Books experience. That makes us happy ;)

  4. Glad you enjoyed the readathon :) & congrats on reading a lot!

    Here is my Bout of Books overall progress.
    Lauren at Northern Plunder.


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