(Memento Nora, #2)
Author Info: Website / Facebook / Twitter
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish
Release Date: May 1, 2012
e-Galley: 202 pages
Genre: Young Adult - Dystopian
Buy: Amazon
Read it in: 1 day
Source: Netgalley
Challenge: Dystopian, Sophomore, TBR Pile
Rating: ★★★

Aiden Nomura likes to open doors—especially using his skills as a hacker—to see what’s hidden inside. He believes everything is part of a greater system: the universe. The universe shows him the doors, and he keeps pulling until one cracks open. Aiden exposes the flaw, and the universe—or someone else—will fix it. It’s like a game.After finishing Memento Nora last year, I was extremely excited for this sequel to come out. I really thought the story line was intriguing and unique and I was going crazy waiting for it. Over the months while waiting for it, I completely forgot that the character's points-of-view were different than it's predecessor. In The Forgetting Curve, you follow Aiden, Winter, and Velvet. I really missed hearing about Norah and Micah, but following Aiden, Winter, and Velvet was still enjoyable.
Until it isn’t.
When a TFC opens in Bern, Switzerland, where Aiden is attending boarding school, he knows things are changing. Shortly after, bombs go off within quiet, safe Bern. Then Aiden learns that his cousin Winter, back in the States, has had a mental breakdown. He returns to the US immediately.
But when he arrives home in Hamilton, Winter’s mental state isn’t the only thing that’s different. The city is becoming even stricter, and an underground movement is growing.
Along with Winter’s friend, Velvet, Aiden slowly cracks open doors in this new world. But behind those doors are things Aiden doesn’t want to see—things about his society, his city, even his own family. And this time Aiden may be the only one who can fix things... before someone else gets hurt.
A lot has changed since the first book in their world. There are new chips coming out that is mandatory and they work with the new mobiles that Aiden's father's company is coming out with, to help work a lot like the TFC pills do; help people forget something that may have happened to them.
But a lot of people are finding out they have the new chip without ever remembering getting it, and forgetting a lot of memories they wouldn't have wanted to forget. Things that would have made them very suspicious of the government.
The underground movements are growing and the government is really cracking down after finding out about the Memento comics Micah, Norah and Winter were creating. I really missed hearing about the new issues of Memento, but it was still mentioned once in a while throughout the story.
Also, there is a new underground radio station that lasts only a few minutes and the talker is someone who calls herself Meme girl, which you figure out who she is later in the story.
Overall, it wasn't as great as the first book, but still enjoyable. It was a fast read, not very long. Only a little over 200 pages, so I read it in one day on my Kindle. I'd recommend this series if you want to read a fast, enjoyable dystopian series.
Read my review for the first book:

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