I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done within these days, but I'm going to try and at least finish 2 to 3 books.

{Click images to go to Goodreads pages}
I'll be updating my progress on this post and also on Twitter (@vintagebookworm) at the #WWReadathon hashtag. Feel free to chat me up!
Started: Darkness Becomes Her, by Kelly Keaton & Winter's Passage, by Julie Kagawa (Iron Fey Novella, 1.5)
Books Completed Today: 0 Total: 0
Pages Completed Today: 70 pages (Darkness Becomes Her) & 22% (Winter's Passage) Total: 70 pages, 22 %
Challenges Completed Today: Kindle Fever & Slake Your Thirst Total: 2
Summary: I started reading Darkness Becomes Her before I went to bed around 2am, but I was super tired so I didn't read much. Didn't get to read much during the day as well, hopefully tomorrow will be much better!
Started: Darkness Becomes Her, by Kelly Keaton & Winter's Passage, by Julie Kagawa (Iron Fey Novella, 1.5)
Books Completed Today: 0 Total: 0
Pages Completed Today: 70 pages (Darkness Becomes Her) & 22% (Winter's Passage) Total: 70 pages, 22 %
Challenges Completed Today: Kindle Fever & Slake Your Thirst Total: 2
Summary: I started reading Darkness Becomes Her before I went to bed around 2am, but I was super tired so I didn't read much. Didn't get to read much during the day as well, hopefully tomorrow will be much better!
Started: None so far, just finished the last 203 pages of Darkness Becomes Her, and the last 78% of Winter's Passage.
Books Completed Today: 1 book and 1 novella. Total: 1 book and 1 novella
Pages Completed Today: 203 pages (Darkness Becomes Her) & 78% (Winter's Passage) Total Overall: 351
Challenges Completed Today: Ramblings of a Daydreamer & Melissa 's Eclectic bookshelf. Total: 4
Summary: I finished the novella first today and then worked on Darkness Becomes Her. I didn't have MUCH reading time, but I tried my best throughout the day and then finished the last 100 pages after my son went to bed before I got online. I told myself I couldn't get online until I finished.
Started: None so far, just finished the last 203 pages of Darkness Becomes Her, and the last 78% of Winter's Passage.
Books Completed Today: 1 book and 1 novella. Total: 1 book and 1 novella
Pages Completed Today: 203 pages (Darkness Becomes Her) & 78% (Winter's Passage) Total Overall: 351
Challenges Completed Today: Ramblings of a Daydreamer & Melissa 's Eclectic bookshelf. Total: 4
Summary: I finished the novella first today and then worked on Darkness Becomes Her. I didn't have MUCH reading time, but I tried my best throughout the day and then finished the last 100 pages after my son went to bed before I got online. I told myself I couldn't get online until I finished.
Started: The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan
Books Completed Today: 0 Total: 1 book, 1 novella
Pages Completely Today: 28% of The Forest of Hands and Teeth: Total Overall: 351 pages + 28%
Challenges Completed Today: 0 Total: 4
Summary: I started The Forest of Hands and Teeth today and I'm so glad I got into it! The first time I tried to read it was last year, I think, and I couldn't get into it. I'm reading it on my Kindle now and it's pretty good. I didn't get much reading time today, but I did read 28% of the book. =) I didn't feel like doing any of the challenges today, so I didn't.
Started: The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan
Books Completed Today: 0 Total: 1 book, 1 novella
Pages Completely Today: 28% of The Forest of Hands and Teeth: Total Overall: 351 pages + 28%
Challenges Completed Today: 0 Total: 4
Summary: I started The Forest of Hands and Teeth today and I'm so glad I got into it! The first time I tried to read it was last year, I think, and I couldn't get into it. I'm reading it on my Kindle now and it's pretty good. I didn't get much reading time today, but I did read 28% of the book. =) I didn't feel like doing any of the challenges today, so I didn't.
Finished: The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan
Books Completed Today: 1 Total: 2 books, 1 novella
Pages Completed Today: 72% of The Forest of Hands and Teeth Total Overall: 673 pages
Challenges Completed Today: 1 Total: 5
Summary: All I WANTED to do today was read, but I couldn't. But I did get enough reading time in to finish The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I'm so glad I was able to get into it this time. It was so good and suspenseful! My heart was constantly threatening to beat out of my chest. One more day!
Books Completed Today: 0 Total: 2 books, 1 novellaFinished: The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan
Books Completed Today: 1 Total: 2 books, 1 novella
Pages Completed Today: 72% of The Forest of Hands and Teeth Total Overall: 673 pages
Challenges Completed Today: 1 Total: 5
Summary: All I WANTED to do today was read, but I couldn't. But I did get enough reading time in to finish The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I'm so glad I was able to get into it this time. It was so good and suspenseful! My heart was constantly threatening to beat out of my chest. One more day!
Pages Completed Today: 50 pages of Anna Dressed in Blood Total Overall: 723 pages
Challenges Completed Today: 0 Total: 5
Summary: I didn't get much reading done today as I was cleaning. I didn't meet my read-a-thon goals, but I'm still proud of myself! I read two of the three books I had on my list, plus a 49 page novella and I was at least reading my third book. =D So I had a lot of fun overall!
Good Luck on your reading goals! So need Anna Dressed in Blood! :)
ReplyDeleteHere's mine!